EL-VIS Changelog EL-VIS

Changelog EL-VIS

A detailed changelog for EL-VIS, the digital tool for the electrical industry. Find out about news, updates and fixes for EL-VIS Online.

Release 2024-09-02

🔧 Help menu is now working again.

🔧 In a PDF of a A5 120 % switch board the title of the current column was overlapping other columns. This is now fixed.

🔧 Redirection of links regarding new login page is out.

Release 2024-08-28

🆕 The login handling has been completely re-designed. It’s now much more secure and follows industry best practices. You will probably be familiar with the login process from other web apps. Previous validation links will not work. Company admins or our support staff need to send a new welcome mail if your account is pending when this new identity service is released.

🆕 The login and sign up page is now updated and is according to the fresh design of EL-VIS.

🆕 Data in the column “Part of facility” in the measurement protocols is now saved when creating an own template.

🔧 Documents linked to a project can now be opened again.

Release 2024-07-02

🔧 Copying a large cable calculation not everything in the graphical wire system was shown at first load.

🔧 Fixed an issue that deleted cables returned if not synced and the parent to the deleted cables was copied.

🔧 Now classical templates don’t take so long time to load.

🔧 If several cables exists directly after the feeding point and the cables has calculated data the siblings was not recalculated if feeding point was changed via one of the cables. You had to select the others cables to trigger the recalculation and that was wrong.

🔧 On the download page the legacy Windows application EL-VIS has been removed. If you really need to download it please contact our support and we will help you.

🔧 Sorting by owner in the cable list didn’t work

🔧 Update banner in the app can’t be closed anymore without updating. An update is refreshing the page and lokal data that is not synced can be loosed. Why we do this is to ensure so many users runs the latest version as possible because otherwise weird issues can happens and calculations can be corrupt.


Release 2024-06-24

🔧 Companies with standard license has now by default the setting “Allow users to take ownership over calculations” on instead of off. 

🔧 Fixed problem that redirected users to price list when going back from price search page.

🔧 In price module the topbar was overlapping information in detail panel on iOS devices.

🔧 In result view on a cable with feeding point as parent had two end points wrongly in the graphic .

🔧 New restrictions regarding setting custom logotype and company name on documents and cable calculations.

🔧 Now the company information is by default pre-filled again as it should, when creating a new cable calculation.

🔧 Some fixes with Finnish typo in e-mails sent when changing owner for a cable calculation and on empty filter pages in template module

🔧 Topbar menu had some extra left margin on actions without icon.

🔧 Voltage drop was not recalculated in some cases when max voltage drop was defined.

Release 2024-06-17

🆕 A better create document view where it will be easier to find template to create document from. It will also be more clear for the user of the ability to create a document from previous document, every document ever created is in fact a template. Favourite templates will be default view creating document.

🆕 A new view to manage document templates. You find it in the top right menu on Template dashboard page.

🆕 A “total measurement protocol” that will simplify for the majority of our customers in the way they can fill in the measuring data in one protocol instead of jumping between several and fill in the same data over and over again.

🆕 Change ownership for cable calculations will now be available. Entering a cable calculation you don’t own and you will find the action to change owner to yourself in the grey “read only” banner. This action will not be visible if the company under company settings has turn this action of, not allowing users to take ownership of other users calculations. Owners of a calculation and Admins can always change ownership to another user. For the owner of the calculation the action is found in the Information panel and the tab General. Confirmation mail will be sent to previous and new owner, always.

🆕 Updated dashboard for EL-VIS Template with focus on favourites (Online templates) and a clear navigation to the classical templates (Word and Excel). Classical templates will only be visible for customers in Sweden or customers having the features being outside Sweden. In mobile view there will only be the list. The things being above the list will be gone. Why? Unnecessary now when the new crate document feature will be better.

🔧 A5 Switch board is now in right size and not to big. Important, to print in right size the print option should be actual size and not fit to page.

🔧 Big improvement of the cable sync between device and server. It is now better and more reliable.

🔧 Date will now also be on attached pdf files for shared self-audit schemes.

🔧 History panel will now show backups again

🔧 If big letters in email as EL-VIS account there will be problems accepting or declining copies of calculations and/or documents.

🔧 Long links without break caused weird prints for the self-audit scheme.

🔧 Some warnings and errors for area when using max voltage drop calculation was not shown.

🔧 Wrong price on articles with prices above 1000 SEK.

Release 2024-04-23

🔧 The PDF rendering time should now have been cut in half. Two times over. So if a rending took 1 minute before, it should take around 15sec now.

🔧 When working with larger calculation in the Single-Line Diagram view, for the last 2-3 months the interface has been stuttering and each cable operation has taken way too long. Especially if a print preview had been triggered as well. Now the Single-Line Diagram view should be much more smooth, and operations such as copy/delete/cut cables will be much faster as well.

Release 2024-04-09

🔧 Now the cable graphic in the result section (tab or expanded view) is updated on the go without the need to close and open the cable so see the effect.

Release 2024-04-02

🔧 Problem that a shared PDF as attachment in e-mail was corrupt is now fixed and is now working again

Release 2024-03-27

🔧 Auto fetching company logotype from a document is now working again

🔧 Error when copying a cable calculation is fixed that was caused by some issue regarding old deleted cables in the calculation that was copied

🔧 Fixed so that the history of a cable calculation is for the right calculation, instead of previous open one

🔧 Google Analytics tracking is removed

🔧 Performance fixes for generating PDF together with other minor performance fixes that will make the user experience better

Release 2024-03-19

🔧 Performance fixes for open PDF documents in our info module, extra positive impact regarding open digital publications with watermark?

Release 2024-03-18

🆕 New module colors to ease for the user to know where they are

🔧 Buttons for previous and next risk in the risk document on mobile devices are now fixed and shown even if there is a lot of actions added

🔧 Default installations method is now shown correctly if expanded view is active

🔧 If expanded view in a cable calculation and 1-phase are chosen system voltage are now shown again

🔧 Older design elements has been updated to new design

🔧 Performance fixes for update and synchronising cable calculations

🔧 Performance fixes generating PDF files when for example “printing” a document or cable calculation

🔧 Performance fixes regarding API for EL-VIS Maxikod and EL-VIS Desktop

🔧 Performance fixes searching documents

🔧 Smaller fixes and improvements

Release 2024-03-04

🆕 All transactional e-mail are now using the European service Brevo instead of the American service Sendgrid

🔧 Exit select mode for list row is now possible again without selecting one row first

🔧 Fixed a problem in the cable calculation showing wrong ik1max for 1-phase cables in series

🔧 iPhone uses can now filter the list again

🔧 Major fixes to performance in our Cable dimension module

🔧 Smaller fixes and improvements

Release 2024-02-19

🔧 Contacts are now available in a project again

🔧 Smaller fixes and improvements

🔧 Solved issues in our cable calculation module making some calculations not able to save or print

Release 2024-02-07

🆕 New navigation in the app with a totally new and fresh look. Easier to find, better flow, more focus on content, etc. This new way to work with EL-VIS is an important step in our goal to improve collaboration and user flow.

🆕 The formula module is now available for everyone as a tool accessible wherever you are in the app. You will find it in the right menu on bigger screen and at the bottom on smaller ones.

🔧 Formulas with Swedish words has now been changed to English

🔧 Smaller fixes and improvements

Release 2024-01-29

🆕 Now you can activate a expanded view for data input in a cable calculation where you see all data in one view together with result and the graphical view of the cable. For you that previously has used our legacy desktop application you will recognize yourself. The expanded view will only be available for bigger screen, from 1920×1080. If you have a ultra wide screen or you drag the window out over two screens you will be able to see the single-line diagram or cable list to the left and the expanded view to the right.

Release 2024-01-24

🆕 The generate PDF feature is now as a own service not affecting the general app performance if a lot of user are creating pdf files when for example previewing documents and cable calculations.

Release 2024-01-22

🆕 Admins can now export user and license information under My Company. The export can be trigged from both views and will download a csv file easy to open in Excel.

🆕 Send a copy of your document to desired mail address. The receiver needs to have access to EL-VIS Template module and he or she decide if they want to accept the copy or decline. If they don’t have access they stil get notified my mail.

🔧 Fixed a bug in the cable calculation where it was able to choose installation sets C, D1 and D2 for power cable (single core) when the cable area was bigger than 300 mm2.

🔧 Norwegian has been disabled for time being.

🔧 Own templates are now sorted in alphabetical order.

🔧 Prints should have black text now instead of grey.

🔧 The interface after a forced logout was previously not responding.

🔧 Updated our old lists for users and licenses to the new ones.

🔧 Other minor fixes.

🔧 Updated several third party libraries.

Release 2023-12-12

🆕 Added AXQ as a Swedish cable type

🆕 Added AXQJ Pure as a Swedish cable type

🆕 Added AXQJ Easy as a Swedish cable type

🆕 Added RXQ as a Swedish cable type

🔧 Area 35 is now available for the cable type AXQJ

🔧 Moved the cable type XTREM from power cables to flexible cables

Release 2023-11-22

🔧 Control cable can’t be chosen anymore before a 3-phase cable, because they should only be used with 1-phase and you can’t have 1-phase before a 3-phase cable

🔧 Fixes to the drop-down where end point symbol in a cable calculation is chosen

🔧 Fixes to copy cable function

🔧 Google Analytics and Upsales tracker in the app is deleted and not in use anymore

🔧 Now a warning will come for active power if to high, as it does with current

🔧 Translation fixes for English and Finnish

Release 2023-11-14

🆕 Drop down for choosing symbols in a cable calculation meta data is now longer

🆕 Re-launch: Send copy function is finally back on track, mail content with text and links are now correct

🔧 Fixed problem with page content exceeds the boundaries, and splits into two pages, for detailed print of a cable calculation

🔧 Now the name in the topbar of a cable calculation is updated correctly if updated in meta data

🔧 On print of the self-audit scheme the right borde of a table is now shown again

🔧 Thermal resistivity is now shown on detailed print of a cable calculation if relevant

Release 2023-10-19

🔧 The problems with generating pdf files is now fixed. The problem was because of a new version of the third party service we use to generate the pdf files.

🔧 The resource center is now working again.

Release 2023-10-11

🔧 Problem with copying a cable calculation due to new logotype handling is now fixed

Release 2023-10-10

🔧 Fixes to the logotype handling that could cause problem in prints, but also of adding one.

Release 2023-09-27

🆕 Now you can print the graphical wire system on several pages. You decide how many cables there should be in width and height.

🆕 Send a copy of your cable calculation to desired mail address. The receiver needs to have access to our module for cable dimension (sizing) calculations and he or she decide if they want to accept the copy or decline. If they don’t have access they stil get notified my mail.

🔧 Dialogs with old design in our cable dimension (sizing) module has been updated to new ones.

🔧 Font problem in printed graphical wire systems are now fixed. The problem occurred if fit to page and big wire systems that needed lot of zoom in PDF.

🔧 Grey color on prints are replaced with all black making them more clear.

Release 2023-06-27

🔧 Dates in PDF documents from the Template module was unformated and is now fixed.

🔧 Fixes to Finnish cable types. Some sizes have been changed and some being added.

🔧 Now it will work contacting us from the resource center again.

🔧 Value in quick results is now updated correctly when changing short-circuit protection from fuse to operating current.

Release 2023-06-13

🆕 Now all the dates and time format is based on right locale for the country you as customer is active in.

🔧 Better font resolution in the single-line diagram view.

🔧 Copied cable is now recalculated instead of before where you needed to select the cable before it recalculated.

🔧 Net prices for Ahlsell will now be right when importing to the Price module.

🔧 Now the input resistance value in the feeding point is correctly updated in the single-line diagram view if edited.

🔧 The extra line that appeared on the overload protection if placed in the end of the cable is now gone.

Release 2023-05-30

🆕 The Single-Line Diagram is now available for print, a vector based print automatically scaling to fit on one page, landscape or portrait. Save as PDF or print on desired paper. Thanks to the vector format there will be no pixels.

🔧 Changed order of the different types of cable calculations prints.

🔧 Now your print choices is saved.

Release 2023-05-29

🆕 Now more letters are visible for the designation of a cable’s end point in the single-line diagram.

🔧 Now documents from parent company (if exists) is not shown in our documentation module.

🔧 The panel to the right containing the cable calculation forms is now smaller and leave more space to the single-line diagram or the cable list.

Release 2023-05-22

🆕 New setting for admins to decide if the users should see each others cable calculations and documents. Default is on for companies and off for schools and restricted licenses. For users that also are admins they will always see all.

🔧 Fixed an issue occurring when moving cables from one single-line diagram to another but where cables after the moved cable is kept in the single-line diagram moving from.

🔧 RCD symbol was wrongly showed on the graphic in the result tab, this is now fixed.

🔧 Some Finnish typos has been fixed.

Release 2023-05-03

🔧 Fixed an issue for the installation set “E – Multi-core cable in free air” and “Tray, unperforated” where number of channels could be unavailable

Release 2023-04-24

🆕 New cable types available when doing a cable calculation (Sweden: FXQ Pure) (Finland: AXMK, H07Z1-R, ML, AXMK PE, ACEFLEX HF, MSK-LSZH).

🔧 Fixed an issue that backups could fail in some cases if a parameter was missing.

🔧 Fixed an issue where an error symbol on “child” cables sometimes was changed into a warning.

🔧 Fixed an issue in cable calculation where the fields “Current” and “Active power” could be both wrongly locked.

🔧 If “No of loaded conductors” was two and 1-phase it was converted wrongly to three when imported to our cable calculation module. This is now fixed.

🔧 Updated names for three cable types, N2HX to N2XH, RZ1-K (N1XZ1) to RZ1-K (N1XZ1-K) and FXQL to FXLQ.

🔧 We have optimise the synchronisations of data to our server.

Release 2023-03-28

🆕 New templates for “Procedures for continuous checks” according to Swedish regulations (ELSĂ„K-FS 2022:3). Can be found under Word- and Excel templates in EL-VIS Template module.

🆕 New resource center for support and self service. Can be reach from the question mark in topbar or in the top right menu for small devices.

🆕 Contact us information and legal pages has been moved to the new resource center instead of being in the top right menu.

🔧 Fixed a bug with the max length being wrong if doing a cable calculation if IT-system and parallell cables.

🔧 Fixed a issue that in some cases previously selected cable type or just empty text could be shown in the cable type field.

🔧 Fixed a issue where the size of the protection could reset if dimension using previous protection.

🔧 Fixed a problem occurring if clicking multiply times on call to action in the copy and move feature inside a cable calculation.

🔧 Messages popping up sometimes with information has a new design.

🔧 Now you can add contacts to a project again.

🔧 References to Swedish Standards is gone for Finnish customers.

🔧 Typos has been fixed both fro Swedish and Finnish.

Release 2023-03-01

🔧 In a cable calculation the overload protection was not updated on the cable if using previous protection and if the previous cable had dimension the protection as cable calculation.

🔧 Now it is possible to add a cable after selected cable on iOS units

🔧 Some Finnish typos has been changed.

Release 2023-02-14

🆕 New view for a graphic single-line diagram (wire system). Manage your wire system by graphically select, add, delete, move cables, etc. Zoom in and out for great views depending on purpose.

🆕 Import cable calculations (saved files) from our Windows application.

🆕 The start page for our cable dimensioning module is redesigned with a better list.

🔧 A lot of Finnish typos has been changed.

🔧 Automatically change selection to new added cables.

🔧 Definition has been changed from comment to description in our cable dimensioning module.

🔧 Fixed a problem that could occurred when uploading discount letters making it stuck.

🔧 Help section in our cable dimensioning module is deleted because of legacy data and will soon be replaced by a better one.

🔧 It is now possible to have no active cable in our cable dimensioning module.

🔧 Latest document and calculation view in our template and cable dimensioning modules are now deleted and the list is instead showing your latest as default.

🔧 Mini toolbar in the cable list is now shown in read only mode also, but with disable buttons of course.

🔧 Overall performance fixes for sync, mass functions and backups.

🔧 References to ELSÄK-FS 2008:1 has been changed to ELSÄK-FS 2022:1 in our self-audit scheme module (for the Swedish market).

🔧 The cable type previous called “RQX” is now called “RXQ” instead.

🔧 The print dialog in our cable dimensioning module is redesigned.

🔧 The result panel for selected cables has moved from the bottom to a tab in the right panel given more workspace.

🔧 The top meta data section in the right panel for selected cables have been redesigned.

Release 2022-11-29

🔧 Backups of cable calculations is fixed so that they don’t happened to often

🔧 Fixed so that double borders is not shown on focused fields

🔧 Fixed so the top section in a switchboard is not cut on smaller views

🔧 Fixed some performance regarding notification icon on the grid in EL-VIS Cable

🔧 Fixed some words that was not translated from Swedish

🔧 Fixed the overtones correction values in EL-VIS Cable that was not correct in a very specific occasions

🔧 In EL-VIS Template module the add protocol button on the row is back to be green from being grey for some reason

🔧 Now it should not be a problem accessing EL-VIS Cable for users that hasn’t been in the app for a long time

🔧 Now you can’t see cables that is placed after the cable you have “cut” when pasting it

🔧 Several backend libraries has been updated

🔧 Our Finnish phone number is now shown under Contact us section for Finnish companies

🔧 Overall fix for the search in the topbar that in some cases became broken and showed [Object EVENT]

🔧 Updated some Finnish words to better grammar

Release 2022-10-31

🔧 Download of Word and Excel templates is now working for everyone (previously approx. 15 % of the users had problem)

🔧 It is now possible to create users with e-mail addresses containing more than one dot after the @

Release 2022-10-11

🆕 New Swedish power cables has been added: XTREM, RZ1-K (N1XZ1-K), ALUKAFLEX, ALUKAFLEX PUR

🆕 New Swedish power cables (single core) has been added: XTREM, RZ1-K (N1XZ1-K), ALUKAFLEX, ALUKAFLEX PUR

🆕 New cable sizes has been added for some Finnish installation cable types: MMJ: 16 & 25 and MMJ-HF: 16 & 25

🔧 Contact section in the app is now working again

🔧 Couldn’t choose PEN for a cable if the cable before is not configured

🔧 If you as a user is connected to several companies you will now only see the cable calculations for the company chosen and not both

🔧 Now it’s possible to click the green confirm button if adding a new risk in our risk template

🔧 Print for detailed data in our cable module was missing data for newly created cables if not clicked on before printing

🔧 Some Finnish typo has been fixed

🔧 Some Swedish typo has been fixed

🔧 Special characters is now allowed in the name of the Self-audit scheme

Release 2022-10-04

🆕 A user can now enable or disable page break between different checklist protocol types

🆕 Data about number of cables in a pipe is now shown the detailed print

🆕 Now the Swedish texts in the module Self-Audit Scheme is updated for multi employee companies

🆕 We have added English translations for the module Self-Audit Scheme if multi employee companies

🔧 A cable input data was not completely cleared if no end point is calculated on cable before

🔧 Earth fault impedance of the feeding point data was not updated for cables after unless opening them

🔧 For a copied wire system, the active cable was set randomly and didn’t match the original

🔧 For iPhone users the search bar was not getting focused, showing the keyboard, when clicking on search action button in topbar

🔧 In read only mode and in a document in Template module the title was not shown

🔧 If using previous protection and Fuse 5s and manual temperature, grounding resistance gave a value that was too high in feeding point in second cable.

🔧 In the Commissioning Protocol an empty control point row looked smaller than other rows on the pdf

🔧 Now the e-mail field is validated when creating a new user

🔧 Some calculations where not shown on parent until clicking on a cable after

🔧 Some times the user was not able to add rows on checklist protocols

🔧 The read only mode was looking different in some parts inside a wire system in the Cable module

🔧 User was able to change a document name to an empty one

🔧 When trial the user couldn’t add documents to a Project from the modules Info and Template

🔧 When viewing an obsolete document in Info module and reloading (F5) is made the document went blank

🔧 + many more smaller fixes included updated necessary libraries

Release 2022-09-20

🆕 A new dashboard for EL-VIS Template with quicker ways to create a document

🆕 Classic templates (Word and Excel) from our legacy Windows application is now available in the web application

🆕 Mark templates as favourites and access them easy from the new dashboard

🆕 New better list for all documents at the company with more data and easier filter access

🆕 Old digital publications (standard or handbooks) is now highlighted in red under the section “My company”

🆕 The online template for switch boards can now have 26 columns in the group placement

🔧 Fixed so the result panel in the cable dimension module is shown again in small views

🔧 In the print for the self-audit scheme we have added more info to the title (Swedish only)

🔧 Now you can add old digital publications (standard or handbooks) in the bulk operation “assign licenses”

🔧 The sender of the self-audit scheme status e-mails is now “EL-VIS Egenkontrollprogram” (Swedish only)

Release 2022-06-28

🆕 New simplified and cleaner design for e-mails sent from the system. In cases you as a user send something from the system your company’s information and logotype will be in the mail instead of EL-VIS.

🔧 In the cable calculation module the form section will only load one time instead of two times

🔧 In the footer of a cable calculation print we have fix that the lines sometimes didn’t render correctly

🔧 In the result section of a cable calculation we have fix a problem that could occur resulting in overlapping columns

🔧 Some Finnish text have been modified in the cable calculation module and in the electrical installation verification report

🔧 We have fix so a second user on the same device don’t access the other users cable calculations

Release 2022-06-13

🆕 Cable types are now filtered depending on country, at the moment Sweden or Finland. Default is the country your company is active in but it is easy to change to another both as default in new cable calculations but also in existing ones.

🆕 Norwegian language is now supported

🔧 Now a new user after chosen a password will be automatically logged in instead of getting a message that the user information was wrong

🔧 Sign and lock a document will now work again after not being saved correctly

🔧 Some default values in checklist protocols that was not chosen will not be shown on prints anymore

Release 2022-05-11

🆕 Contact module to manage all persons, companies, subcontractors, suppliers, etc.

🆕 Currency can now be changed at a company level in My Company module and in EL-VIS Cable for the current wire system. Default is set depending on country you are active in.

🆕 Energy efficiency calculation in EL-VIS Cable for economical and environmental savings is now released in the Finnish market

🆕 Version history in EL-VIS Template with ability to view and restore automatically saved versions

🔧 EL-VIS Info will only show categories relevant for the active country

🔧 The read-only view in EL-VIS Template has been redesigned to be clearer and with a new quick way to create a copy

🔧 Values for energy price and carbon dioxide emission is no longer rounded on print

Release 2022-04-27

🆕 Energy efficiency calculation in EL-VIS Cable for economical and environmental savings (Swedish market only. Soon other markets will be active also)

🆕 Version history in EL-VIS Cable with ability to view and restore automatically saved versions

🆕 Now documents in EL-VIS Info are country specific making you see only documents that are relative to your default country (for Aland Islands documents from Finland and Sweden are also shown)

🆕 Support of default country for you as a customer making EL-VIS ready to diversify content depending on which country you are active in

🔧 In Swedish we have changed the name for load capacity and trimmed the names of the calculation titles

🔧 Now translations will work again if switching language in read-only mode

🔧 The Swedish krona (SEK) has changed name for the Swedish speaking users from kr to SEK

🔧 The read-only view in EL-VIS Cable has been redesigned to be clearer and with a new quick way to create a copy

Release 2022-04-06

🆕 Now the PV-system template has Finnish translations also

🆕 E-mails that are being sent from the system are now having Finnish translations also

🔧 Some Swedish definitions has been fixed in the sections handling discount and customer prices

🔧 Voltage drop calculation is now correct if 1-phase and several cables in series

Release 2022-03-23

🔧 If printing all cables as detailed data in the same PDF the feeding point will no longer be on a own page, looking like a cable.

🔧 The search in the PDF viewer is now working again.

Release 2022-03-21

🆕 Print all cables in same PDF for detailed data

🆕 View cable calculations from colleagues in read only view

🔧 Add/remove licenses from the user section in my company is working again

🔧 Graphic on PDF will now be shown when refreshing the page and PDF is opened

🔧 Missed translations has been fixed in some places

🔧 Pagination is now centered in cable start view

🔧 PDF viewer will now work good again after major release from third party

🔧 PDF can be opened for older calculations again

🔧 Search will now be reset between modules

🔧 Short circuit current value (ik3 Max Beginning) is now updated correctly on children cables even if not clicked on

Release 2022-02-23

🆕 Backup solution for documents and calculations

🆕 Better view and editing of protocols in all the checklists

🆕 Specialised PV-system checklist available in EL-VIS Template

Release 2021-12-08



  • Ny checklista för “Laddning av elfordon”.
  • Ny checklista för “Ibruktagningsprotokoll” som gäller i Finland men som har en väldigt bra struktur för användning i den svenska marknaden ocksĂĄ.
  • Möjlighet för digital signatur och lĂĄsfunktion finns nu ocksĂĄ i checklistorna och riskbedömningen.
  • Möjlighet att lägga till fält för fysisk kundsignatur pĂĄ dokumentet.
  • Bytt namn pĂĄ checklistorna för att göra det mer tydligt.
  • Bytt plats i checklistorna pĂĄ radkolumnerna “Kontrollerad” och “Benämning” för att göra det snabbare att fylla i och se status.
  • Förbättrat ifyllning av mätprotokollen i checklistorna.
  • Möjligt att ta bort första raden ocksĂĄ i mätprotokollen.
  • Möjlighet att fylla i data om mätinstrument som används för mätprotkollen.
  • Ny sektion för att fylla i information om anläggningen.
  • Nu finns kontaktuppgifter till ansvarig arbetsledare och montör att fylla i om man vill.
  • Nu gĂĄr det ocksĂĄ att fylla i land som en del av adressuppgifterna.
  • Nu finns kontaktuppgifter till kontaktperson hos kunden att fylla i.
  • Nu gĂĄr det att ändra titel pĂĄ alla mallar under sektionen allmänt.
  • Uppdaterat rubriker och kolumnrubriker i utskriften av checklistan.



  • Nu gĂĄr det att bestämma själv vilka kolumner som ska visas i ledningslistan (trädstrukturen). Som standard visas alla men kan enkelt hanteras i menyn längst till höger


  • Tagit bort enheten frĂĄn kolumnrubriken för BelastningsförmĂĄga


  • I Egenkontrollprogrammet visades inte uppladdade filer i utskriften förrän sidan uppdaterades.
  • Nu gĂĄr det att klicka i checkboxarna under Mitt företag när licenser tilldelas till användare.
  • Diverse översättningar som fixats till.

Release 2021-11-10


Åtgärdat ett problem som uppstod vid t.ex. en gigantisk checklista som gjorde dokumentet omöjligt att arbeta med. Nu är det bara att tuta och köra igen.


NYHET | Nu finns det finska kabeltyper att välja mellan också.

TvĂĄ mindre smĂĄfix. Den ena handlade om att ett fel kunde visas i kabellistan men som inte syntes pĂĄ kabeln. Det andra om att resultatet inte räknades ut om man valde “Dimensionera kabel med föregĂĄende skydd” innan man valt en kabeltyp.

Release 2021-05-25


  • Prestandaförbättringar
  • SmĂĄfix
  • Ă–kad säkerhet


  • NYHET | Snyggare design pĂĄ utskriften av ditt Egenkontrollprogram
  • NYHET | Utskriften är numera ett PDF dokument istället för en webbsida som kunde se olika ut beroende pĂĄ webbläsare
  • Vid delning fĂĄr numera mottagaren den nya versionen av ert egenkontrollprogram som en bifogad PDF. En viktig fördel med detta jämfört med tidigare är att det delade PDF-dokumentet inte pĂĄverkas av ändringar i egenkontrollprogrammet. Ni bestämmer själva när ni vill dela ut pĂĄ nytt.
    OBS! Alla länkar till tidigare delade egenkontrollprogram kommer inte längre att fungera. Vill ni dela på nytt använder ni den nya delningsfunktionen. Ni kan också spara ner PDF-filen och t.ex. distribuera via EL-VIS Projekt, intranät eller valfri tjänst.


Formlerna Resistans och Impedans tvĂĄlindningstransformator har uppdaterats


  • NSGAFĂ–U finns som ny kabeltyp att välja under kategorin Kraftkabel (Enledare)


Release 2021-01-19

Till denna uppdatering har vi fixat lite smĂĄsaker bland annat att adressen som kommer pĂĄ mallen “Ă–verlämning av anläggning” blir den riktiga och inte fakturaadressen.

Men sedan har vi gjort otroligt mycket under ytan för nya EL-VIS Kabel som är på ingång.

Vill du testa nya EL-VIS Kabel?

Om du önskar att testa nya EL-VIS Kabel före alla andra skriv till support@el-vis.com så hör vi av oss med hur du ska gå tillväga.

Release 2020-09-01


Viktigt! Nu stödjer vi inte längre Internet Explorer. Det finns många fördelar med detta: onödig kod borta som nu ger en bättre upplevelse samt att vi slipper lägga tid på att trixa och fixa med att få applikationen att fungera i en uråldrig webbläsare.

Diverse förbättringar har också gjorts


NYHET! Ny mall för riskbedömning.

Förbättrat indikatorn som visar om en annan användare är inne i samma dokument. Informationen syns hos alla användare som är inne i dokumentet.


Åtgärdat en bugg som i Edge Legacy gjorde att priserna inte uppdaterades korrekt vid byte av prislista.

Release 2020-08-24


NYHET – Nu gĂĄr det att länka ett dokument till ett projekt utan att behöva gĂĄ till EL-VIS Projekt. Funktionen finns uppe i den högra menyn när du är inne i dokumentet.


Alla våra mallar har fått ett designlyft. Nu känns de lättare och luftigare med fokus på det viktigaste först. De är kort och gott mer lättarbetade.

Ny PDF-läsare för förhandsgranskningen som är mycket trevligare (samma som i EL-VIS Info)

Ă…tgärdat en bugg i utskriften av “Ă–verlämning av anläggning”

Mitt företag

NYHET – Nu gĂĄr det att trigga “Skicka nytt valideringsmail” för användare som inte aktiverat sitt EL-VIS konto


Åtgärdat en bugg som gjorde att vissa delar vid nedladdning av uppdateringar till EL-VIS Maxikod var dolda i rullistan.


Åtgärdat en bugg som gjorde att priset inte uppdaterades vid byte av prislista förrän en manuell uppdatering av sidan


Alla datumfält ser likadana ut nu genom hela appen och fungerar bättre än tidigare

Massvis av uppdateringar har gjorts “under huven”

Release 2020-06-29


Länkarna till Användarvillkoren och Cookies är nu uppdaterade så de fungerar igen.


Nu går det att editera och ta bort sina egna uppladdade dokument. Ni gör det från listan Mina favoriter eller från sökträfflistan.


Nu finns valet Ja i Egenkontroll – Checklista

Vid skapande av ett nytt dokument kunde man mötas av en felaktig text som sa att det inte fanns några mallar att visa. Detta är nu fixat.


Vi har fixat att datumet för senast uppdaterad har rätt tidszon.

Release 2020-05-18


Nu ligger alla program i bokstavsordning.

Start är nu omdöpt till Hem.


Alla dokument komprimeras nu innan de öppnas, vilket gör att det går betydligt snabbare att öppna, i synnerhet stora dokument såsom Elinstallationsreglerna.

Fixat en bugg som gjorde att det inte gick att maximera och minimera bokmärken.

Nu fylls träfflistan korrekt efter en sökning. Sökningen var rätt innan men listan kunde innehålla tomma rader och sidor. Särskilt för användare med få eller inga standarder.


Fixat en bugg som gjorde att det inte gick att låsa ett dokument eller tömma signaturen efter att en bild lagts till

Mitt företag

Fixat en bugg som gjorde att ett felmeddelande kunde komma när licenser tilldelades för EL-VIS Desktop

Fixat en visuell bugg som uppkom när en sökning gjordes och inget resultat fanns.

Nu har sökningen flyttat till topbaren, precis som det är i nästan alla andra program också.


Ikonen för EL-VIS Info är borttagen från EL-VIS Desktop rutan. Detta då programmet har flyttat till molnet.

Release 2020-05-11


Nya installationsinstruktioner för EL-VIS Desktop i och med ny och enklare installationsfil. Vi har även lagt till en ny sektion som heter Installationsparametrar som är bra för IT/Admins att veta om.

Ny sektion under uppdateringsinstruktioner för EL-VIS Maxikod som heter Semiautomatiska uppdateringar. Används för intern hantering av automatiska uppdateringar av både Maxikod men även priser, rabattbrev, etc. Ni hittar det i sidopanelen som kommer fram när ni klickar upp Uppdatera i rutan EL-VIS Maxikod.


Bättre minneshantering

Enhetlig design överallt i PDF-läsaren

Navigation: Man kan nu mata in mer än två siffror åt gången

Samma typsnitt används nu överallt

Språkstöd för alla delar i den nya PDF-läsaren, vilket innebär att om svenska är inställd i webbläsaren blir menyerna på svenska också

Zoom-knapparna fungerar korrekt nu pĂĄ iPhone och iPad

Release 2020-04-17


Funktionen för att ändra företag om man som användare finns på flera är nu ALLTID tillgänglig uppe i den högra menyn. Dvs. att det numera går ändra företag inne från vilken modul som helst!
Nu går det scrolla i de två menyerna uppe till vänster och till höger om innehållet inte får plats på skärmen.


Åtgärdat en bugg som gjorde att namnet på appen kunde kapas felaktigt i en modal på vissa mindre enheter.


Fixat en bugg som gjorde att sidopanelen för att ladda upp ett dokument automatiskt kom fram i vissa lägen.

Nu går det att backa i enheten från förhandsgranskningen av sitt dokument utan att komma tillbaka till startsidan för hela EL-VIS Mall.

Fixat en bugg med datumfält för iPhone och iPad.

Mitt företag

Alla flikar är borta! De har ersatts med stora ikoner på startsidan.

“Tilldela licenser” har fĂĄtt ett ansiktslyft! Allt görs numera pĂĄ en egen sida, sĂĄ inget mer trixande i sidopanelen!

Fixat nĂĄgra buggar som kunde uppstĂĄr med sidopanelen vid hantering av kundpriser.


Fixat en bugg som gällde favorithanteringen.
Nu har en del funktioner flyttat upp i den röda topbaren (precis som i t.ex. Mall).

Nu har en del funktioner flyttat upp i den röda topbaren (precis som i t.ex. Mall).

Release 2019-08-20


  • Förbättrat hanteringen av uppdateringar för att säkerställa att ni som användare sitter med senaste versionen och inte riskera att drabbas av driftstörningar eller liknande.


  • Ă…tgärdat sĂĄ att antalet användare för EL-VIS för Windows visar rätt
  • För funktionen tilldela licenser har vi gjort lite smĂĄfixar. Tidigare var det problem med att lägga till licenser fast det fanns utrymme för det. EL-VIS Online applikationerna var ocksĂĄ borta ur listan och antalet licenser var alltid en för lite.

Release 2018-06-26

Vi har släppt en uppdatering av EL-VIS Online med lite förbättringar.

    • Fixat en bugg i Kabel rörande “Beräkna area utifrĂĄn spänningsfall” där värde inte nollställdes om man växlade mellan beräkningar

    • Fixat en bugg i Egenkontroll som gjorde att man inte kunde editera sektion 3.2

    • Fixat en bugg i Mall som orsakade att man inte längre kunde editera en gruppförteckning

    • Ny design pĂĄ alla knappar

Release 2018-06-20

Vi har släppt en uppdatering av EL-VIS Online med lite förbättringar.

      • Fixat ett problem som kunde uppstĂĄ om man gick in i ett dokument som en annan användare redan är inne pĂĄ.
      • Nu fĂĄr du plats med mĂĄnga fler rader än innan i din gruppförteckning, bĂĄde A4 och A5.
      • Vi har förbättrat och fräschat upp utseendet till viss del i EL-VIS Mall och EL-VIS Egenkontroll.


Det finns redan en EL-VIS lösning i din beställning.

Vill du ersätta den med