EL-VIS Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Version 3.0 (30/05/2023)

At Elinfo, we care about personal integrity and the secure handling of personal data. The idea behind our privacy policy is to provide you, as a private individual, with a clear picture of which personal data we collect, where we collect it, how we handle it and why. We also want to be transparent about which subcontracted processors and external services we use, and why.

We handle personal data in accordance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

1. Which data we collect

We collect data from you when you use our products/services, register for an EL-VIS account (either yourself or by an administrator), place an order, send an email, visit us or complete a form on our websites. In certain cases, personal data can be included in registers of newly registered companies, which we purchase on a regular basis.


Used to send invoices, and also, if required, to deliver products. Used for information purposes when sending out brochures and other important information. You are welcome to contact us to decline all forms of physical mailings.

Email address

Used as a communication channel for quality assurance, support and sales. Also used as a user name for those with an EL-VIS account. Used for mailings in connection with marketing and information, which you decide whether or not you wish to receive. You can also unsubscribe via the link at the end of this email.


We also collect data from the use of our products/services via automatic data collection tools. This is data that is necessary for us to be able to improve our products/services, but also to monitor compliance with the terms of use that need to be accepted before any of our products/services are used. More about this in the next section.


Needed to identify you as an individual.

Personal ID number

If a sole trader or a private individual becomes a customer, we need to save the personal ID number instead of a corporate ID number. In our digital “Self-check programme” you as a user can enter the personal ID number of the electrician who is bound by regulatory compliance.

Phone number

Used as a communication channel for quality assurance, support and sales.

Anonymized web statistics

If consent is giving for thirdpart-cookies, we collect web statistics in order to understand and improve the user experience as well as for customizing our ads and marketing. As a user of our website, you choose which cookies you accept. Read more in our Cookie Policy below.

2. How we collect your data

We collect data from various places. EL-VIS consists of three platforms, referred to below as EL-VIS Desktop, Maxikod and Online. We also collect data from our website. If you visit us at a trade fair, we collect data there. We sometimes need to collect data if you phone us, for example about a support case. In connection with email conversations, personal data such as email address and phone number will often be shared.

2.1 EL-VIS Desktop


We save data in order to check whether the terms of use are being observed, and also to be able to improve the product. The following data is collected from the computer running the program: Program version, operating system, customer number, company name, user name (email address), computer name and computer user.

Legal basis: Agreement with the data subject

2.2 EL-VIS Maxikod


To be able to run the full version of EL-VIS Maxikod, the user must request a unique licence file. To do this, a form has to be filled in and sent to us by email, so that we can process the request manually. This involves entering the following personal data: Name, place and email address.

Legal basis: Agreement with the data subject


We save data in order to check whether the terms of use are being observed, and also to be able to improve the product. The following data is collected from the computer running the program: Program version, operating system, customer number, company name, computer name and computer user.

Legal basis: Agreement with the data subject

2.3 EL-VIS Online

Create account

A free of charge EL-VIS account is required in order to be able to use our products and services. The personal data required to create an account consists of first name and surname, email address, mobile phone number, company and location.

When an account is created, an email is always sent to the address stated for the user, and the owner must provide verification and thereby approve the creation of the account.

There are three ways in which an account can be created:

– By the user (Legal basis: Consent)

– By the company’s administrator (Legal basis: Agreement with the data subject)

– By us at EL-Info (Legal basis: Consent, Agreement with the data subject, Fulfilment of legal obligation)


To see how much the products are used, we save data when login takes place. In these cases we only save who has performed the login and when.

Legal basis: Agreement with the data subject

2.4 Email

In an email, we will sometimes receive data of a personal nature. If the person in question requests something of us that requires us to enter the person’s data into our systems (e.g. CRM), we will do this. If the data relates to another person in the company, we critically examine the source before entering that person’s data. It must be significant for us to be able to deliver the product in accordance with the agreement we have with the customer.

Legal basis: Consent, Agreement with the data subject

2.5 Website


To be able to place an order via our website, some personal data is required, partly so that we can send the delivery and invoice, partly so that we can make contact with the person in question.

Legal basis: Consent, Fulfilment of legal obligation

Contact form

To make contact with us, we offer simple forms on our website. The personal data filled in there is required for us to be able to make contact with the person in question.

Anonymized Web Statistics

To improve the user experience on our website, we use cookies. There are different types of cookies and we make sure each visitor to our website can choose what cookies are allowed or adjust them before they are activated. Read more below about Cookies and how we use them.

Legal basis: Consent

2.6 Trade fair

At trade fairs we collect data about our visitors, either verbally or by scanning visitor codes.

Legal basis: Consent

2.7 Support

In connection with various support cases we may need to access, for example, databases and saved files. In these cases, the content can in turn contain personal data. This kind of support is provided primarily by employees, but can in certain cases need to be forwarded to consultants for expert assistance.

We may also ask to be allowed to use TeamViewer to gain remote control of the user’s computer, to make it easier to provide assistance. In these cases we always make it clear that the user must not have any sensitive data accessible and that he/she is always sitting and watching what is being done.

Legal basis: Consent, Agreement with the data subject

2.8 Phone calls

We receive data verbally in connection with phone calls. We will usually be talking to the person whose data is involved, although sometimes the data may relate to another person in the company. In these cases we critically examine the source before entering that person’s data. It must be significant for us to be able to deliver the product in accordance with the agreement we have with the customer.

Legal basis: Consent, Agreement with the data subject

3. How we use your data

We collect and use data for the purpose of guaranteeing, maintaining and improving products and services, and for various kinds of statistics and analysis.

Items of data we collect from you can be used in any of the following ways:

To be able to execute orders, delivery and invoicing
To send occasional emails

The email address you provide can be used to send occasional items of company news, updates, related product or service information, etc.

To improve the quality of the data

We strive to improve the quality of the data, giving you better tools for your own choices

To improve customer service

Your data helps us to respond more efficiently to your customer service requests and support requirements

To improve our website, products and services

We strive constantly to improve, based on data and feedback we receive from you

To personalise your experience

Your data helps us to better meet your individual needs

To customize ads and marketing

We use cookies to collect data that helps us improve the user experience and customize our ads. As a user of our website, you choose which cookies you accept. Read more in our Cookie Policy below.

4. Security

We carry out a number of security measures in order to maintain security for your personal data when you enter, provide or have access to your personal data.

We always design and develop our products/services with a high degree of security awareness. It is also our ambition as far as possible to avoid data that can identify you as an individual.

We will NEVER ask users for their passwords.

5. How long we save your personal data

We save your personal data for as long as is required for the purpose of the processing. We save data for as long as necessary in order to be able to perform our commitments towards you or our customer, and for as long as it is required in accordance with statutory storage times. As Elinfo has an interest in maintaining a historical archive, the data is saved in our database even if you are not an active customer, and have not notified us that you wish to have your data erased.

6. Where we process your data

We always strive to process your data within the EU/EEA and for the majority of your data this is the case.

However, there are certain business-critical services for us that, among other things, are important for maintaining good support, providing information, etc. that exist outside the EU/EEA. In these cases, we will take all reasonable legal, technical and organisational measures to make sure that your data is handled securely and with an adequate level of protection comparable with the protection offered within the EU/EEA.

Read more about the external services a little further down under the heading “How we deal with external parties”. There you can also see where data is located in the external services.

7. Your legal rights

You have a legal right to:

– have access to your personal data

– have your personal data rectified

– be given a copy of your personal data, in certain cases

– have your personal data erased, in certain cases

– restrict or object to the processing of your personal data, in certain cases

8. Cookies

8.1 What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files used to store small pieces of information. They are stored on your device when the website is loaded in your browser. These cookies help us make the website work correctly, make it more secure, provide a better user experience and understand how the website works and to analyze what works and needs improvement.

There are two types of cookies, “regular” cookies and session cookies.

  • Session cookies are temporarily stored in your computer’s memory while you are browsing a page, for example to keep track of which language you have chosen, but disappear when you close your browser.
  • Regular cookies save a file for a longer period of time on your computer. It is used, for example, to tell you what is new on the current website since the user last visited it or to compile statistics about your visit. Once the expiration date of the current cookie has passed, it will be deleted from your computer when you revisit the website that placed the cookie on your computer in the first place.

8.2 How do we use cookies?

We use cookies to understand and save your preferences for future visits and compile aggregate data about website traffic and website interaction so we can offer better experiences and tools in the future. Our website may use both first-party and third-party cookies. First-party cookies are usually necessary for the website to function properly and they collect some of your personal information. Third-party cookies are primarily used to understand how the website works, how visitors interact with our website and to provide advertisements that are relevant to you, facilitate your future interactions with our website and provide you with a better user experience.

We collect information about how visitors navigated to and on our pages through tools such as Hubspot, Google Analytics 4 and Google Search Console. Certain parts of this data can form the basis for targeted marketing on other pages you visit on the internet. With the help of the CookieYes service, we are transparent with which cookies we have and give you as a visitor the opportunity to customize which cookies you allow us to use:


8.3 Handling and customization of Cookies

Cookie Settings

You can adjust your cookie settings at any time by clicking here. You will then see our Cookie Banner again and can change your settings or withdraw your permission for each Cookie.

In addition to our own settings, different browsers also provide different methods to block and delete cookies that websites use. You can change your browser settings to block and delete cookies.

9. How we deal with external parties

We do not sell, trade or in any other way transfer your personal data to external parties. This does not include trusted third parties who help us to run our service or business and provide service to you.

A third party can also be external services used in our products/services. We have a policy of using as few external services as possible, and in those cases where they are used, they must comply with GDPR.

We may also release your personal data when we consider it appropriate in order to comply with the law or to protect our own or other parties’ rights, property or security.

9.1 External services

HubSpot Ireland Ltd

CRM-system. Handle incoming support and other matters for our customers.

A service that helps sales and marketing with contact details for potential new customers but also for existing customers. All marketing and information emails are handled and sent out via HubSpot. This service enables transparency and gives an individual the opportunity to turn off e-mails.

Personal data that can be used here: Address, email address, name and phone number.

Location of data: EU/EEA

Address: Ground Floor, Two Dockland Central, Guild Street, Dublin 1, Co. Dublin, Ireland



Microsoft AB

Hosting in Azure of our digital services that we sell (EL-VIS) and our internal systems (provisioning). Microsoft 365 is used for email, security policies, internal processes, file management, etc.

Personal data that can be used here: Address, email address, log, name, personal ID number and phone number.

Location of data: EU/EEA (Norway, Ireland and Amsterdam).

Address: Regeringsgatan 25, 111 53 Stockholm, Sweden

Contact: +46 8 752 56 00


Twilio Sendgrid

A service that is used to be able to send emails from our digital services, e.g. when you as a user share a document from EL-VIS Mall, the email is sent using Sendgrid.

The personal data used here: Email

Location of data: EU

Address: 106 boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris, France




A service that we use to manage subscriptions and invoices.

Personal data that can be used here: Address, email address, name and personal ID number.

Location of data: EU/EES (Amsterdam)

Address: Drottninggatan 61, 111 21 Stockholm, Sweden

Contact: +46 733 50 74 58


Google Analytics 4

If consent has been given to use the third-part-cookies related to Google Analytics 4, we use use Google Analytics 4 to track visitor, session and campaign data in order to understand how our website is used (not in our app). The purpose is to improve the user experience of our website and, if consent has been given, to adapt advertisements and marketing. Google Analytics 4 collects data through third-party cookies that anonymously stores information and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. The information is then further encrypted before being passed on to the Analytics processing servers and made available to us at EL-VIS to view in aggregated form in the Analytics platform.

Personal data that can be found here: Anonymized web statistics.

Location of data: All initial data handling takes place via domains and servers based in the EU when visits are from the EU. The information is then further encrypted before being forwarded to the Analytics platform.

Address: https://www.google.com/about/datacenters/locations/

Regional data collection



9.2 Subcontracted processors

The following subcontracted processors may come into contact with personal data, and therefore have subcontracted processor agreements. This is something we avoid as far as possible.

Gunnar Nilsson

A consultant who is engaged to take part in special support cases with customers. She may come into contact with personal data.

Personal data: Address, email address, name and phone number

Location: Sweden

MPEL Konsult AB

A consultant engaged to deliver training activities, but also to become involved in special support cases with customers. In both cases, he/she may come into contact with personal data.

Personal data: Address, email address, name and phone number

Location: Sweden

SEK Svensk Elstandard

In cases when we receive an order for a physical electrical standard or a SEK handbook, we must share personal data with SEK Svensk Elstandard to be able to execute the order. This is because the delivery takes place through SEK Svensk Elstandard and their supplier.

Personal data: Address, email address, name and phone number

Location: Sweden

Mikael Klevland (TK-Data)

A consultant developer who will sometimes come into contact with personal data, with his/her unique expertise in the spreadsheet program EL-VIS Maxikod. This is because TK-Data AB also provides support to users of EL-VIS Maxikod and in some cases training.

Personal data: Address, email address, name and phone number

Location: Sweden

Örjan Borgström (Tekniktxt)

A consultant engaged to deliver training activities, but also to become involved in special support cases with customers. In both cases, he/she may come into contact with personal data.

Personal data: Address, email address, name and phone number

Location: Sweden

10. Your consent

By using our products/services and our website, you accept our privacy policy.

11. Changes to our privacy policy

If we decide to make changes to our privacy policy, we announce the changes on this website and update the date of the update of our privacy policy.

12. Contact us

If there are any questions about this privacy policy, you can contact us using the information below.

0470-72 40 30



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